Clean & Inspect Machinery Hygiene Course (CIMHC) AHCBIO201 Public (ROCKHAMPTON)

Tue 25 August 2020

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This course is offered by Registered Training Organisation Millettia Solutions Pty Ltd (RTO 45172)with TH9 Outdoor Services acting as a co-provider

Overview: The Clean and Inspect Machinery Hygiene Course is designed to provide you with an awareness of biosecurity threats associated with the movement of machinery, vehicles and equipment. The course shows you how to identify some of the key biosecurity threats facing your operations and equips supervisors, employees and contractors with the skills and knowledge to implement company specific machinery / vehicle hygiene policies and procedures.

Certification: This is a nationally accredited course, offered by  Millettia Solutions Pty Ltd (Registered Training Organisation, RTO 45172). The course covers one unit of competency under the Conservation and Land Management (Certificate II) stream. The competency is AHCBIO201 Inspect and clean machinery for plant, animal & soil material.  A Statement of Attainment will be issued on successful completion of the course.

Cost: $510 per person GST Inc.

Agenda:  A course agenda will be forwarded once registration has been received.

Trainer: Belinda Callanan


Book Now - $510.00


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